Faith Promise Giving
Growing the Gospel Throughout the World Through Faith Promise GivingThe ‘‘mission’’ of Ohana Baptist Church is to reach the world with the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Faith Promise is that aspect of our world Missions emphasis that provides the funding for our endeavor to reach the world with the Gospel. It is the part that ties our FAITH to God’s PROMISE, which results in His PROVISION.
Our church has a growing world missionary family that presently consists of over twenty-six missionaries and missionary projects. As a church we are committed to the world mission mandate given by Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). You may be asking; ‘‘Why should a church that has so many needs of its own send personnel and finances to other nations?’’ The answer is simple: God has commanded the church to go into all the world. In obedience to that command Ohana Baptist Church will execute the Great Commission through local outreach and supporting missionaries to other countries. Then the question arises; ‘‘How do we finance the missionary program?’’
The ‘‘Faith Promise’’ is the plan presented in the New Testament and the plan followed at this church. The purpose of this article is to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Faith Promise. Should you have other questions, please ask.
Questions & Answers
Q. What does the term ‘‘Faith Promise’’ mean?
A. Perhaps the best way to answer that question is to insert the term into a sentence – BY FAITH, I PROMISE to give $__________ per week to world missions.’’ The promise to give is based upon the faith to receive. It is a promise to give a certain amount to God for Missions above and beyond your normal giving every month. Faith is trusting God to provide you the money each month and promise is your commitment to give it no matter what. And then there is another explanation of the term ‘‘Faith Promise.’’ It is simply the FAITH by which we claim the PROMISE of God for His PROVISION for the work He has commissioned. (2 Corinthians 8:7-10)
Q. How does Faith Promise relate to the tithe?
A. The word “tithe” means “ten percent.” The Bible teaches tithing as the minimum of our financial commitment to the church (Malachi 3:8-11). The tithes are presented to the Lord as an act of obedience. But since the Christian is not limited to this minimum, and since we have the opportunity of living by faith, we may trust God for more. After all, the evidence is that God is ready to respond to our faith, not just our obedience. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)
Q. Is Faith Promise a pledge to the church?
A. No. It is a promise to the Lord, not a pledge to the church. (2 Corinthians 8:11)
Q. Suppose I make a faith Promise commitment and then I am not able to give it. Will I be personally contacted and asked to give the amount of the commitment?
A. No. Faith Promise is simply an arrangement between you and the Lord. Our promise to the missionaries is based upon your promise to the church. It is important for you to keep your promise to the Lord no matter what you circumstance in any given month. No one from the church will even know what you have promised, let alone attempt to collect it. Your giving is entirely between you and God to whom you made your promise. That is why it is important for you to pray and ask the Lord to show you what you can trust Him for. (2 Corinthians 8:12-15)
Q. How does the church know what to expect in the way of Faith Promise gifts?
A. When the Faith Promise giver settles the amount with the Lord, he or she then indicates that amount to the church using a Faith Promise slip. This Faith Promise tally is made at the end of our Missions Conference, even though additional commitments are made throughout the year. Do not put your name on the slip.
Q. How do I know what God will provide through me?
A. Perhaps the best way to answer that question is with another question: “How much are you willing and able to trust Him for?” Prayer and faith are the two key factors in making this determination. Ask God what you can give, not what you have to give. Set a minimum that you know you can trust Him for. You can always give more. (Philippians 4:10-19)
Q. Is Faith Promise giving based on the Bible?
A. Yes. The Bible says, “the just shall live by faith.” The promises of God, as well as the provisions of God, are received by faith. (Romans 1:17; Hebrews 10:38)
Q. Are there illustrations of Faith Promise giving in the Bible?
A. Yes. There are many. By faith, Abraham offered Issac to the Lord. Perhaps you remember that story in Genesis 22. So miraculous was God’s provision in response to Abraham’s faith that Abraham named the place of the offering “Jehovah Jireh.’’ Translated, that means “the Lord provides’’ or “Jehovah seeth.’’ He sees the provision before we do and we see the provision as we act in faith. There is another good illustration of “Faith Promise’’ found in 2 Kings 4:1-7. As you read that story carefully, you will notice the Lord’s provision in direct proportion to faith. Faith provided empty vessels. God’s provision filled the vessels faith provided.
Q. What are Faith Promise receipts used for?
A. They provide the financial resources for the Missions program of the church. The money is all used to support individual missionaries, both here at home and abroad as well as special Missions projects.
Q. Do I have to be a member of the Ohana Baptist Church in order to participate in its world mission’s ministry through Faith Promise giving?
A. No. There are many friends of the church who want to have this personal contact and direct support with missionaries. They do so by sharing in this ministry through the Ohana Baptist Church.
Q. Even though I did not make a Faith Promise commitment during the Missions Month, may I still share in Faith Promise giving?
A. Yes. There is always a need that can be met and should be met by a growing number of participants. You can start giving at any time. The Faith Promise lasts for one year. You can make a personal commitment at next year’s Missions Conference.
Q. How do I get started?
A. Determine through prayer the amount you believe the Lord wants to provide through you. Pray daily for the provision of that amount and stay alert to the numerous ways the Lord will provide, i.e., extra income, reduced expenses, etc. When you receive these funds above your regular tithes and offerings, deposit them in the Sunday offering or mail to the church. Please make sure your offering is clearly marked for “Faith Promise.’’ Church envelopes are available upon request and can be found in the Welcome Center. All checks should be written to Ohana Baptist Church and designated for “Faith Promise.’’ (2 Corinthians 8:1-5)
Q. What if I will not be here in Hawaii the whole year?
A. You can indicate when you plan to give till or you can continue to give even after leaving Hawaii until March of next year. Many people will send their Faith Promise to the church by mail, even after leaving.
Q. What about my questions that are not answered in this article?
A. Please don’t let that keep you from receiving the blessing. Call the Church Office and we will be happy to share with you all the information we have available.
Someone asked ‘Will the heathen who have never heard the Gospel be saved?’ It is more a question with me whether we – who have the Gospel and fail to give it to those who have not- can be saved.
Charles Spurgeon