Read: Ephesians 6:1-18
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
I am not a golfer. It takes a lot of time and a lot of money to chase that little ball around the course! It is also a difficult game to master. I have known people who have played all of their lives and still haven’t gotten any better.
My son Caleb loves golfing. He would go golfing two or three times a week if he could. Real golfers have their own clubs and equipment, including golf shoes. They are the ones with the spikes on the bottom to give you better traction when you swing.
The Roman soldiers had similar spikes on the bottom of their shoes. These spikes allowed him to have good traction on any terrain and could be used as a weapon in battle. I think that one of the things most Christians struggle with when it comes to soul winning is getting traction.
Just getting started is hard. Whether it is passing out tracts, inviting people to church, getting the conversation started, or just taking the time to talk with people, we struggle. We make the decision to tell people about Jesus and then we slip up the first week.
You have to make the decision to “go into all the world” and then keep at it no matter how much you struggle with it. Keep going until it becomes a habit in your life.
Meditation for the Day: How many times have you thought about telling someone about Jesus or inviting them to church and never gotten around to it?
Assignment: Make a commitment to God of how you are going to reach people with the Gospel. Keep at it until it becomes a habit.
For Fun: Go golfing. You can go to the driving range, play 18 holes or just go mini-golfing. While you are there, give someone a Gospel tract.